Last but not least, I learned...
4. the real meaning of sacrifice. The night after I found my wallet, I couldn't help but relate to the prophet, Abraham. After his wife Sarah miraculously gave birth to Isaac in Abraham's old age, The Lord commanded him to give Isaac as an offering to him. When I lost my wallet, it was the Lord's way of telling me to give up something that I truly loved. Not because it was bad, but just because he asked. However, I didn't do so right away. I don't know exactly what was going through Abraham's head as he departed from the other men they had been traveling with, to take his son up to "go yonder and worship," knowing that his real intent was to give up his son as a sacrifice and he REALLY didn't know why... But, I know what was going through mine, and perhaps it was similar. The whole time I prayed and asked for it to be over, and asked that I didn't have to give up my treasure, or my ability to drive. Finally Abraham and Isaac reached the top of the mountain, Isaac was tied and on the alter, and Abraham "stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son." and I walked to the right hand side of the car and said, "today I will be a passenger... and tomorrow, and the next day... Perhaps even until the end of my
mission. And that is okay."
And I went happily about the work, without my lack of driving privileges at the back of my mind. Sometimes, a test is just a test. An angel came to Abraham and said, "lay not thy hand upon the lad." That was all the Lord needed. He wanted to know how willing Abraham was to follow his commandments, even when he wasn't sure exactly why they were given. He said to Abraham, "I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me."
I know that our Heavenly Father has a plan for us. I know that the majority of this plan, we will never understand. Much of the plan requires us to give up things we consider valuable in order to receive eternal blessings. Remember that if you want the best out of life, "trust in the Lord, and lean not unto thine own understanding!" (Proverbs 3:5)
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