

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

#DiscoverTheBook - June 11, 2014

I started my journey to discovering the Book of Mormon when I was 12. My parents and my church leaders had all told me that I should read the book and pray to know if it was true. I knew that that would be a huge step in my life because if the Book of Mormon is true, that means that Joseph Smith was a prophet called of God and that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is Christ's restored church! And that meant to me that I must continue faithfully living its principles... For the rest of my life! So that was a big deal.
I read the entire book all the way through and when I finished, I knelt and I prayed, asking my Heavenly Father if the book was true. I sat and I waited for an answer and it never came. I was disappointed, but something made me want to try again, so I did. I read the entire book cover to cover once again, and when I finished, I knelt and I prayed, asking my Heavenly Father if the book was true. I sat and I waited for an answer and it never came. Instead of disappointed, I was a little bit frustrated, but something made me want to try again, so I did. I read the entire book cover to cover once again, and when I finished, I knelt and I prayed, asking my Heavenly Father if the book was true. I sat and I waited for an answer and it never came. I was confused and sad because so many people had done the exact same thing and had what I considered success. They had felt a burning in there heart, or heard a voice telling them it was true... but that didn't happen to me. As I sat pondering, a thought came into my mind which I took as my answer that said, "you already know."
I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and that it is another testament of Jesus Christ. I gained that knowledge by reading often and praying!


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