

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Compass! - November 15, 2014

A month ago, I found this compass in front of the Capitol Building in Washington D.C. After I had taken it, I looked back at my pictures and this picture really caused me to reflect. My standards and values have been a sure compass that have never failed in guiding me to make right decisions. I know that as I am true to my standards and make the effort to keep the commandments I am taking the right path. 

I wanted to hear from you and what came to your mind as you reflected on this picture. This is what I heard:
"The gospel of Jesus Christ gives direction to all of Heavenly Fathers children. As I have lived the gospel I have not only found direction but purpose. I know each of us can find the same." - Sister Parrett

"Here is another picture of a compass. This one is imbedded in a bronze sun in the floor of the Great Hall in the Library of Congress. A compass guides you in your travels. It points you in the right direction and helps you arrive at your planned destination. The quest for knowledge and truth guides your choices through life. As we seek the Holy Spirit and listen closely to its promptings we will be able to identify truth. Truth fills us with warmth and light as does the brilliance of the sun. (John 1:9, Moroni 7:16,18)" - Angela Knoll

"Whenever I see a compass, my first thoughts turn to the Liahona -- the compass the Lord provided to Lehi and his family as they were led to the promised land. The Liahona was a type of the way the Holy Spirit works in our lives today: when the people were obedient and righteous, the Liahona provided direction toward the promised land. When the people were disobedient, the Liahona stopped working. I love receiving guidance from the Lord today through the compass called the Holy Spirit." - Matt Riggs

"I never like the feeling of being lost. I've been lost a few times in my life and one of the things I would have liked most was a map of my location. As children of a loving Heavenly Father, we are not left alone on this earth to wander about without direction or purpose. In His infinite wisdom and love, He has provided for us scriptures, prayer, and latter-day prophets to provide personal, meaningful direction and purpose to our lives. We need not be lost or confused." - Naomi Stanford

"When you're trying to figure out which way to go, you'll need a compass you can trust. If you have a reliable compass, you'll always know which way is North. Christ has provided us with a super reliable compass...His Atonement! There's no doubt about it that if we use His Atonement to change and become better, we will return to live with God again." - Sister Trunnell
Thank-you for all of your comments! As we share our thoughts and testimonies, we strengthen others testimonies as well as our own. I invite you to continue to share publicly and privately your testimonies with others. As you do so, you are not only sharing words, you are sharing the joy and light that you have in your life with those who are in need of it.

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