

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

This Time, Two Years Ago - September, 24, 2014

I still remember the October of 2012. I remember it because during the first weekend of that month, while listening to General Conference I received an answer to one of the deepest, most profound, soul searching, mind wrecking questions I had ever had: "What do I do with my LIFE?"
General Conference is a time when we have the opportunity to hear the words of God through his servants, the prophets and apostles. I never appreciated this opportunity as much as I should have before October, 2012. I loved listening, but I think I might have liked the comfortable couch we sat on, or the pajamas I got to watch it in, or sleeping past the usual time we wake up to go to church more. My parents and leaders had always told me that I should appreciate it, and that I should take the time to prepare myself for it by writing down any questions I had in my heart, but I couldn't imagine how one man speaking to millions of people could answer the questions I had... So I never did. Until one day when one question I had just could not wait anymore. I was working in my new career that I loved, I was dating someone, and I was enjoying my time with the friends and family that lived very close, but something wasn't right and I was starting to feel like there was a greater plan that I wasn't aware of. I finally decided to take the advice of my parents and leaders and bring my question to General Conference. I knelt and prayed a week before Conference with my question, "what do I do with my life?" and all that week I felt anxious. I could not wait. My friends and I gathered to listen to the first session of General Conference on Saturday and I was ready to scrutinize every single word to find my answer, but I didn't have to listen long. I didn't even have to listen past the 7 minute "Welcome to Conference" talk President Monson gave first. He announced the change in the age at which young men and young women could serve missions, but all I heard was, "Today I am pleased to announce that [Christen] who ha[s] the desire to serve may be recommended for missionary service beginning at age 19, instead of age 21."
And that was all I needed.
I am here, in Virginia, USA, thousands of miles from home and family, speaking a foreign language, serving the Lord, and loving every minute of my new devoted life because of a question I asked two years ago, and the answer I received during General Conference. God has a plan for YOU, and He reveals that plan to His servants, the prophets (Amos 3:7). God knows the desires of your hearts and He is preparing prophets and apostles RIGHT NOW to be able to answer the questions of your soul during General Conference. Don't miss an opportunity to have your plan laid out in front of you this October. Come to Conference with a question and if you are listening you will hear the answer.

My brother, Matthew, and I the day that I got my mission call letter :)

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Refer a Friend and Get Rewarded - September 18, 2014

When we share the gospel, we really are "rewarded"! Preach My Gospel: A Guide to Missionary Work says that those "who share the gospel experience joy and have the Spirit of the Lord more abundantly. As we share the gospel, we appreciate how precious and meaningful it is to us, and we feel a greater love for God and others." I know that this is true! I have felt more joy in the service of the Lord than an ANY other time in my life. The gospel has become a prized possession to me and I am grateful everyday for the opportunity I have to live it and share it!

Every single day we have opportunities to share the gospel through inviting others to come closer to Christ by receiving His restored gospel. Pray often to recognize these opportunities and to be able to take advantage of them! #referafriendandgetrewarded

Monday, September 15, 2014

To Go or Not To Go - September 15, 2014

Are you wondering whether or not to serve a full-time mission?

"And if thou art led at any time by the Comforter to speak or teach, or at all times...thou mayest do it...And it shall be given thee from the time thou shalt go, until the time thou shalt return, what thou shalt do...And thou must open thy mouth at all times, declaring my gospel with the sound of rejoicing. Amen." (D&C 28:4&15-16)

If the Holy Ghost (or the Comforter) has led you to believe that you should serve a mission, don't let your worries of how or why stop you from preparing. I know that this is the Lord's work, and that the Comforter WILL tell you where you should go and what you should do while you are in His service.
Share this with anyone who is considering to serve or preparing to serve a full-time mission. 

Friday, September 5, 2014

Families Can Be Forever - September 5, 2014

I know that God has a plan so that I can be with my loved ones that have passed away after this life and that He has a plan for you too.
"The divine plan of happiness enables family relationships to be perpetuated beyond the grave." - The Family: A Proclamation to the World
Send me a message if you want to learn more, and share this photo to those who would like to learn more. ‪#‎familiescanbeforever‬